From Steel Tubes To Elite Race Bike:

From Steel Tubes To Elite Race Bike:

St Patricks Day 2013 will see the first Irish made Custom Steel Race Bike in Elite (A1) Irish Cycling since the 1980s. Here is the story of this frame from Columbus Steel Tubing to complete Bike: Columbus Spirit Tubing with Columbus Minimal Fork: Lining Up tubing on Jig for Final Cuts and Mitre Bottle Cage […]

Tubing Update

Tubing Update

Nova Tubing (Including the New Internal Socket Lugs) is now available at the Bicycle Design Centre as an entry level alternative to our Reynolds and Columbus Built Frames. Reynolds Builds available in 631 and 853 We have also just taken delivery of our Columbus Spirit tubing (For Professional Road / Tri Frames) Nova Tubing available […]

Custom Frame Building

Custom Frame Building

Why Choose a Custom Frame. It is highly unlikely that the standard ‘Off The Peg’ frame can suit you and your riding style (No matter how expensive) Most experienced riders will try to offset this by investing in a good Bike Fitting – however your optimal position will still be limited by the Angles and […]

Introducing ARCANE

Introducing ARCANE

Introducing Our New Brand Name ARCANE – (Model Shown: Women Specific Design, Columbus Spirit Tubing, Size XXS). All Frames Built in the Bicycle Design Centre Workshop in Kildare, available in a range of Tubing (Including Carbon Rear End / Seat Tubes) and built to individual Customers Geometry & Size.